This entire email is very interesting Lars. Let me put that aside for 
now as reference. If anyone on wikisource develop a strategic 
explanation, an article on the topic, please let me know ! I am interested.

Thanks for this long explanation


Lars Aronsson wrote:
> On wikipedia-l Florence Devouard wrote:
>> During that event, I mentionned that the French chapter has 
>> several ongoing discussions with various museums to set up 
>> content partnerships.
> Wikisource is really a much larger project than Wikipedia.  
> Consider any public library: The encyclopedia shelf or quick 
> reference section (Wikipedia) is less than one percent of the 
> whole library (Wikisource).  After seven years of writing 
> Wikipedia, we are now getting useful results in many languages.  
> Wikisource might take 70 years.
> What we can expect during 2009 is some small step forward on this 
> longer path.  Taking a single step might sound easy, but it's hard 
> enough to know which direction is forward.
> If you can achieve real, practical, pragmatic cooperations that 
> actually result in more free content, even if it is not very much, 
> that is probably the best step forward.  But you must be prepared 
> that infighting and prestige among public institutions can be 
> tough, especially when it comes to competing for funding.
>> In Europe, at least in some countries, we meet several problems
>> * many scholars have a rather bad image of Wikipedia (because 
>>   written by amateurs, anonymous members, plagued by vandals 
>>   etc...)
> There is a clear risk that this bad image is enforced.  Our 
> message that "anybody can contribute" is hard to combine with the 
> prestigeous thinking among the institutions where you seek 
> cooperation.
> ----
> I'd like to recommend an article in the October 2008 issues of the 
> open access journal "First Monday", "Mass book digitization: The 
> deeper story of Google Books and the Open Content Alliance" by 
> Kalev Leetaru, 
> This article is just one in a ton of literature on how to scan (or 
> microfilm) books, that have appeared in the last 20 years.  But it 
> is interesting because it evaluates two large-scale projects of 
> the last few years, and compares them to each other.  Even though 
> "digital libraries" is a new science, it is already full of 
> established truths.  Perhaps this is due to the high involvement 
> of public institutions.  One such truth is that image compression 
> (with JPEG artifacts) must be avoided at all cost.
> Both Google Books and the Open Content Alliance (Internet Archive) 
> break this rule, by using consumer-grade digital cameras and JPEG 
> compression, and should thus be considered a waste of time, 
> according to conventional wisdom (or "best current practices").  
> Still, nobody can avoid being impressed with their results, and so 
> the scientific world needs to revise its understanding of the 
> current state of the art.  The author of this article goes to 
> great lengths (in the "Discussion" section) to explain that what 
> these projects do is "access digitization", which is described as 
> something completely different than traditional book scanning:
>   "Before one can compare the two projects, it is important to 
>    first realize that both projects are really only access 
>    digitization projects, despite the common assertion of OCA 
>    captures as preservation digitization. Neither initiative uses 
>    an imaging pipeline or capture environment suitable for true 
>    preservation scanning. The OCA project outputs 
>    variable–resolution JPEG2000 files built from lossy 
>    camera–generated JPEG files. A consumer area array digital 
>    camera is used to produce images ..."
> Needless to say, neither Project Gutenberg nor Wikisource are 
> mentioned in this article.  Their goals are just too different 
> (what? free content?), their achievements not impressive enough.  
> They are not potential future employers of "digital library" 
> scholars.  If you help them or cooperate with them, you will only 
> help mankind in an altruistic fashion (what fools!), you will not 
> help your own professional or academic career.
> In the article, the Open Content Alliance already plays the role 
> of the fools.  They have only (!) digitized 100,000 books, while 
> Google Books has millions.  They do not provide the same search 
> capability.  And so it goes on. The next time the Internet Archive 
> (OCA) applies for funding or tries to establish cooperations with 
> more institutions, such arguments might be used against them.
> ----
> What Wikisource really needs to do, is to provide an explanation 
> of what it does, and how this goes beyond Google Books' "access 
> digitization".  In Europe, this must be set in the perspective of 
> ongoing French, German and EU initiatives (Gallica, Theseus, 
> Quaero, Europeana, ...).  When one of those projects applies for 
> funding, it will need to show that it is successful in attracting 
> cooperation partners and that it is a leader among similar 
> projects.  We should be prepared that they take any opportunity to 
> define Wikisource as a loser, amateurish, clueless project.  This 
> is not because they are evil, only because they do what they can 
> to get the funding they need.
> Why should museum X or library Y or archive Z cooperate with 
> Wikisource, when it risks being associated with such descriptions 
> of failure?  The alternative for that institution might be to 
> cooperate with the successful Google or Gallica.  So why is 
> Wikisource superior? This is what we need to explain.
>> * develop arguments for museums etc...
> Exactly.

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