
The BBC have been in contact with us at Wikimedia UK about the
possibility of them getting access to some Wikimania footage. I quote:

"We are expecting to film with Jimmy Wales later in the year, but we
were really hoping to film at Wikimania. Unfortunately, due to
schedules, we simply can't get a crew to the event. And so, it
occurred to us that, rather than lose this quintessentially Wikipedian
moment, we could - in the spirit of our shared open and collaborative
goals - ask some of the attending Wikipedians to shoot some footage
for us, for release on an open platform (Kultura) to allow all parties
to use the footage under creative commons."

They ask interested parties to get in contact either via their web
form here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/digitalrevolution/contactus.shtml or
via me/other WMUK board members. (E-mail me and I'll forward it on to
them, or alternatively, if you're in the UK email me and I can give
you the organiser's phone number.)



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