I'll leave it to Tango and Andrew to provide the full story, but in a nutshell: 
due to the complexities of our accounts (and hence the time demands they place 
on our Treasurer), we're rather late in having the first set of them checked 
over by an accountant. They're currently with the accountants, though, and 
we'll be able to file them soon. Being listed as 'proposal to strike off' is an 
automatic thing as we haven't previously filed accounts, but there's a long 
time (6 months) before there's a risk of that actually happening, and this will 
definitely be sorted out in short order.

This is essentially a symptom of us having too much to do and not enough time 
to do it, I'm afraid...


On 29 Nov 2010, at 21:04, geni wrote:

> I saw this post at the village pump suggesting wikimediauk's accounts
> are seriously late and this presents issues:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:VP/M#Wiki_UK_Ltd_to_be_struck_off.3F
> The company in question is wikimedia UK (the Company No. 06741827 is
> consistent with that given in past emails)
> According to companies house the accounts were due 05/08/2010 and the
> company's status was listed as Active - Proposal to Strike off.
> Whats going on?
> -- 
> geni
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