On 9 November 2012 17:22, Katherine Bavage
<katherine.bav...@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
> Seriously though - the phrasing came following reading a blog I read that
> talks about why this type of question is better for people who identify as
> trans
> (http://tranifesto.com/2009/07/06/multiple-choice-is-rarely-trans-friendly/)
> - I went with a mixed approach of providing options but a more openly
> phrased question. I'm open to use redrafting the questions, but only if the
> redrafted versions were accommodating in this respect.

What you're really doing there, though, is asking "How do you answer
the question "What is your gender?"?" which is logically equivalent to
just asking "What is your gender?".

Including enough options that everyone will fall into one of the boxes
(or at least "Other") is a good idea, but torturing the English
language in an attempt to appear politically correct doesn't actually
achieve anything!

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