Hi all, we've just published a promotional video for Wiki Loves Monuments
2017 on YouTube <https://youtu.be/DSBjS1FBdSs>, Facebook
and Twitter <https://twitter.com/wikimediauk/status/900317383486832641>. I
would really appreciate it if anybody who is able can share these posts so
that they reach as wide an audience as possible. We are trying to make more
of this video content so people can understand what we do in the UK and
what the difference is between Wikipedia, the WMF and us as a chapter.
Obviously as we don't have money for advertising, we rely on our
(fantastic, intelligent, unaffected by flattery) community to get the word
out, so I'd be incredibly grateful if those of you on social media can help
share our content. Thanks!

John Lubbock
Communications Coordinator
Wikimedia UK
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

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