I'll guess I'll start this off then -

I'm Lewis (and I go by Lcawte in most online spaces), I own ShoutWiki.com,
which is a wiki farm powered by MediaWiki. I've been involved in the
MediaWiki sphere on and off for a while, I have a few lines of really not
very important code running in MediaWiki core, and some other bits in our
closed source codebase. Seasoned members of the chapter/list may remember
me from that slightly over budget "hackathon" I ran when I was a teenager
in... 2011?

I am (and where necessary, the small team I work with at ShoutWiki) happy
to lend a hand with any MediaWiki related issues in whatever capacity. I
can probably lend an ear to other chapter related tech things.

I'm a bit out of the loop on chapter business - not even sure I've got a
current membership - but feel free to drop me an email offlist if there's
anything I can do to help!

-- Lewis Cawte

On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 at 16:46 Rex X <r...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> Thanks Lucy, for your positive response to the issues raised recently.
> On the technology front, I'm sure I'm not speaking out of turn when I say
> that I'd like to see something like the old Technology Committee revived to
> give volunteers a defined channel for communication with the Board and
> Staff, and also to encourage volunteers to give their time and expertise to
> help address technical issues and to expand our technical capacity in the
> future.
> To that end, I'd like to survey informally what skills participants on
> this list would be willing to bring to help WMUK's technology programme. It
> would be also very helpful if those who would be keen to help re-establish
> some sort of Tech Committee could express their interest.
> It doesn't matter whether you're just interested in tech or a seasoned
> developer - all offers are welcome. Any takers?
> --
> Doug
> On 11 January 2019 at 16:19 Lucy Crompton-Reid <
> lucy.crompton-r...@wikimedia.org.uk> wrote:
> Hi all
> Thanks for your contributions and discussions on here this week. It's
> clear that as an organisation we need to reflect on how we're engaging with
> the volunteer community, and there has already been quite a lot of internal
> discussion about this over the past few months. I would encourage you, if
> you can, to attend the meeting on 30th January to help develop our next
> three year strategy; however please be assured that in the draft version
> I'm working on (based on the 2018 board away day, and to give us a starting
> point for discussions) there is a greater focus on both volunteers and
> technology, which of course underpin all of our activities.
> I'm sorry that the issue about recent changes and watchlists on the main
> Wiki has not yet been resolved. Our technical contractor has been working
> to debug this however he has not yet been successful and needs more time to
> try to ascertain and address the problem. Obviously if anyone has any
> practical suggestions of what the issue might be and how it could be fixed
> then please feel free to get in touch :)
> As some of you know, Wikimedia UK has worked with the support of two
> technical contractors - both from the Wikimedia community - for a number of
> years, however one of them had to step away from the role in September and
> it has taken a little time to find a replacement (although we have now done
> so). This means that the remaining contractor (Tom Morton) has been working
> on his own, and we have needed to try to prioritise his workload. In the
> past few months we have undertaken quite a big, although not outwardly
> visible, technical project, which has been to migrate all of our websites
> to new host servers. In doing this, we needed to employ a specialist
> consultancy to upgrade and migrate the Wikimedia CiviCRM installation
> such that it could be moved onto the new hosting platform, which has been a
> high priority for us as CiviCRM is so central to our work with volunteers,
> members and donors on a day-to-day basis. Tom has worked with the
> consultancy on this but has also been required to fix a number of other
> issues including QRpedia (which still has some bugs), the Board Wiki, and
> problems with MediaWiki and the visual editor. I'm not trying to excuse the
> fact that there are still unresolved technical issues, just to put this
> into context and explain what else has been going on in the past month or
> so.
> Chris, you asked what concrete actions we are putting into place to ensure
> this doesn't happen again. These include the appointment of another
> technical contractor who will support Tom in resolving outstanding and
> urgent technical issues in the short term, but in the medium term will also
> work with us and the community to identify our priorities going forward. In
> the next few weeks, Davina and I are also meeting with several board
> members to scope out the charity's technical ambitions (which I hope we
> will also discuss on 30th), and in December I submitted a provisional
> budget to the board for 2019/20, with a view to presenting an updated
> budget at the March meeting that supports these plans. There is more to do,
> of course, but hopefully these things will all make a positive difference.
> Thanks and best wishes
> Lucy
> --
> Lucy Crompton-Reid
> Chief Executive
> Wikimedia UK
> +44 (0) 203 372 0762 <+44%2020%203372%200762>
> *Wikimedia UK* is the national chapter for the global Wikimedia open
> knowledge movement, and a registered charity. We rely on donations from
> individuals to support our work to make knowledge open for all. Have you
> considered supporting Wikimedia? https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk
> Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and Wales, Registered
> No. 6741827
> Registered Charity No.1144513
> Registered Office Ground Floor, Europoint, 5 - 11 Lavington Street, London
> SE1 0NZ
> The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who operate
> Wikipedia, amongst other projects). Wikimedia UK is an independent
> non-profit charity with no legal control over Wikipedia nor responsibility
> for its contents.
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