Not sure whether the Wikisource community saw this email from Guillaume. 
I was thinking that maybe we should as a community be looking to avail
ourselves of this opportunity to reinvigorate how we collaborate, at least
on the holistic issues that we face through use of Mediawiki.  We seem to
have all wandered off to our own little communities, and doing less in the
way of sharing.

I would like to propose that we set up something as a standalone subject
within the Wikisource: namespace, or as a subpage of
Wikisource:Scriptorium.  I was thinking that each subject could be a
separate subpage, allowing discussion on talk pages.  Then summarising back
to the main page which could be reflected back to the WMF community as per
the below subject requests.

Things that I see that we could also look to better as a community
* Discussions on extensions that could be universally useful
* Configurations of tools that have a cross language interest
* Better utilising some of the great work that Tpt has been doing on
* Bug issues as we now have regular updates
* Better support the smaller WS communities who don't have the people or
knowledge resources taht come with a biger community

I know that there has been stuff that has been happening at frWS and enWS
that has been shared between us, but we should be doing more broadly.

Regards, Andrew

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Wikitech-ambassadors] Local discussions about how to improve
communication between users and developers
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 17:03:52 +0100
From: Guillaume Paumier <>
To: "Coordination of technology deployments across languages/projects"
Reply-To: Coordination of technology deployments across languages/projects


Summary: I'm trying to get comments and ideas on how to improve
communication between developers and Wikimedia editors, and I'd like
to ask the help of people on this list to ask your local communities
what they think, and post the results of those discussions here.

Longer version:

Communication between Wikimedia contributors and "tech people"
(primarily MediaWiki developers, but also designers and other
engineers) hasn't always been ideal. In recent years, Wikimedia
employees have made efforts to become more transparent, but what I'd
like to discuss today is how we can better engage in true
collaboration and 2-way discussion, not just reports and
announcements. It's easy to post a link to a new feature that's
already been implemented, and tell users "Please provide feedback!".
It's much more difficult to truly collaborate every step of the way,
from the early planning to deployment.

Some "big" tech projects sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation are
lucky enough to have a Community Liaison who can spend a lot of time
discussing with editors, basically incarnating this 2-way
communication channel between users and engineering staff. But one
person can only do so much: they have to focus on a handful of
features, and primarily discusses with the English Wikipedia
community. We want to be able to do this for dozens of engineering
projects with hundreds of wikis, in many languages, and truly
collaborate to build new features together. Hiring hundreds of
Community Liaisons isn't really a viable option.

There are probably things in the way we do tech stuff (e.g. new
software features and deployments) that drive editors insane. You
probably have lots of ideas about what the ideal situation should be,
and how to get there: What can the developer community (staff and
volunteers) do to get there? (in the short term, medium term, long
term?) What can users do to get there?

Instead of just postulating that "The problem is X" and "The solution
is obviously Y", I've started an extensive consultation process to
learn from users, to hear you, to listen to your complaints and your
ideas on how to fix the issues. I'm hoping that this open and
collaborative thinking process will yield better results than a
one-sided analysis.

An preliminary consultation took place last month with projects in
English and French. I've summarized the initial findings and

I'm hoping that we can now expand this consultation to more projects
and more languages, with your help. It isn't feasible for me to launch
a discussion on each wiki in each language, but I'm hoping that you
can help me spread this message and start those discussions with your
local communities.

I realize this will take some of your time, but I think it's worth
spending a little time to discuss this now in order to make big
improvements later on how we communicate with each other.

I'm available to answer comments, concerns and questions.

Many thanks for your help!

Guillaume Paumier
Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation

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