On Thu, 26 Jan 2017, at 06:35 PM, Andrea Zanni wrote:

> The problem for me is that librarians and other people who are
> genuinely interested in Wikisource and IA
> don't understand why

> * they upload a good scan on IA

> * see a good book on IA, via the viewer

> * get an horrible djvu on Wikisource. 


> This is the issue we should try to solve, otherwise we will lose a
> potential important ally, content and new userbase.
> Aubrey



On a related note: most (all?) IA-scanned books have e.g. *_jp2.zip
files containing all the original scan images, but is there any standard
for user-uploaded books? Like your librarians above, I assume they're
uploading individual jpg/png files? Do these get combined into a single
zip? I'm thinking that they don't, and that ia-upload needs to provide
the option of using any of the following sources:
 * .djvu
 * _jp2.zip (there's also _jpg.zip and _raw_jp2.zip, but I guess we
   don't need to use them?)
 * *.jpg + *.jp2 + *.png (i.e. use all images in the item, apart from
 * .pdf

Sound complete? Or are there other ways?
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