Hello everyone,

Only 1 more day until the Hackathon [1] begins on Friday, August 12! Here’s
everything you need to know to participate.


Register for Wikimania to receive access to the Wikimania platform [2].
Optionally, you can also add your name to the public participants page on
the Wikimania wiki [3].

Check out the platform

The Hackathon will take place virtually on Pheedloop, the Wikimania
platform [4]. If you are already registered, you should have access to the
platform by now. You will be able to log in, click “sessions,” and find
links to enter Hackathon Jitsi rooms. The Hackathon sessions will not be
listed individually on Pheedloop, because people will continue to add their
sessions on Wiki [5] during the event. For the latest list on what is
happening in each Jitsi room, see the Hackathon schedule [5].

Format of the event


   On Friday, don’t miss the Opening Ceremony and pre-Hacking Showcase! At
   this event, anyone can present a project, anyone can come as an observer,
   and everyone can socialize to find project collaborators. You can already
   add your projects to present on the Etherpad [6]

   The following two days can be used for hacking on your project. You can
   spend time in the social Jitsi room, on Discord [11], in the social
   networking area on Pheedloop, or simply engage with people on IRC/Telegram.
   Make sure to tag your projects on Phabricator! [7]

   A note about Discord [11]: this is a temporary server to facilitate
   communication during Wikimania. For long-term communication, #wmhack on
   IRC/Telegram is a commonly used networking space.

   Throughout the next two days, there will also be social events and
   technical sessions. Anyone can offer a session; just claim a slot on the
   schedule! [5]

   Finally, there will be a final showcase to share the projects worked on
   during the Hackathon. Add your project to the Etherpad to present live! [10]

Getting ready for Friday

There are many ways to take part in the event.


   Brainstorm about projects you could work on (see past examples [9])

   Add your project ideas to Phabricator [7]

   Sign up to present at the pre-Hacking showcase [6]

   Host a session by adding information to the schedule [5]

   Check out information for newcomers [8]

   Join the Discord server [11]

   And don’t forget to register [2]!

If you have any accessibility requests or questions, don’t hesitate to
reach out.

Best wishes,

Melinda and the Developer Advocacy Team

[1] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hackathon
[2] https://pheedloop.com/register/wikimania2022/attendee/
[3] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hackathon/Participants
[5] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hackathon/Schedule
[7] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/6030/
[8] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Hackathon/Newcomers
[9] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022/Showcase
[10] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/wikimania2022-hackathon-showcase
[11] https://discord.gg/d6aeeC4v
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