Robert Rohde schrieb:
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 1:27 PM, River Tarnell
> <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> phoebe ayers:
>>> River: Well, you say that part of the issue with the toolserver is money and
>>> time... and this person that I've been talking to is offering to throw money
>>> and time at the problem. So, what can they constructively do?
>> i think this is being discussed privately now...
> If other research groups are interested in contributing to this, who
> should they be talking to?

Wikimedia Germany. That is, I guess, me. Send mail to daniel dot kinzler at
wikimedia dot de. I'll forward it as appropriate.

>> i don't see why access to the toolserver would be restricted to Wikipedia
>> editors.  in fact, i'd be happier giving access to a recognised academic 
>> expert
>> than some random guy on Wikipedia.
> The converse of this is that some recognized experts would probably
> prefer to administer their own server/cluster rather than relying on
> some random guy with Wikimedia DE (or wherever) to get things done.

An academic institution may also get a serious research grant for this - that
would be more complicated if the money would be handeled via the german chapter.
Though it's something we are, of course, also interested in.

Basically, if we could all work on making the toolserver THE ONE PLACE for
working with wikipedia's data, that would be perfect. If, for some reason, it
makes sense to build a separate cluster, I propose to give it a distict purpose
and profile: let it provide facilities for fulltext research, with low priority
for the update latency, and high priority of having fulltext in various forms,
with search indexes, word lists, and all the fun.


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