On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 6:14 AM, Daniel Kinzler <dan...@brightbyte.de> wrote:
> There is none. Sorting is done by the database. That is to say, in the default
> "comnpatibility" mode, binary "collation" is used - that is, byte-by-byte
> comparison of UTF-8 encoded data. Which sucks. But we are stuck with it until
> MySQL gets proper Unicode support.

And until we upgrade to that version.  MySQL 4 doesn't have *any*
Unicode support -- or any character encoding support, in fact.  Every
is binary.

But we don't have to wait on MySQL.  We would just have to store a
Unicode sortkey in cl_sortkey instead of the actual Unicode
characters.  This would require an implementation of a Unicode sorting
algorithm in MediaWiki.  It could be language-specific or whatever you

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