2009/4/10 Jameson Scanlon <jameson.scan...@googlemail.com>:

> Does anyone on the wikitech mailing list happen to know whether it
> would be possible for some of the larger wikipedia database downloads
> (which are, say, 16GB or so in size) to be split into parts so that
> they can be downloaded.  For whatever reason, whenever I have
> attempted to download the ~14GB files (say, from
> http://static.wikipedia.org/downloads/2008-06/en/ ), I have found that
> only 2GB (presumably, the first 2GB) of what I have sought to download
> has actually been downloaded.  Is there anyway around this?  Could
> anyone possibly suggest what possible reasons there might be for this
> difficulty in downloading the material?

Downloading to a filesystem that only does maximum 2GB files?

- d.

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