I would like to request categorization for the media projects to the bug 
tracker. To get a brief idea of the components getting packaged into the 
"new-upload" branch check out:

I think the large scope of code and the fact that MwEmbed can be used in 
self-contained mode warrants a high level Product categorization. 
Something like MwEmbed :  The self contained jQuery based javascript 
library for embedding mediaWiki interfaces:

Then components for the library could (presently) include the following:
* Add Media Wizard
* Firefogg
* Clip Edit
* Embed Video
* Sequence Editor
* Timed Text
* example usage
* js Script-Loader
* Themes and Styles
*I also want to report some strangeness with bugzilla. I sometimes get 
the below error when trying to log in (without "restrict to ip checked" 
) and I occasionally get time-outs when submitting bugs:

Undef to trick_taint at Bugzilla/Util.pm line 67
    Bugzilla::Util::trick_taint('undef') called at 
Bugzilla/Auth/Persist/Cookie.pm line 61
'Bugzilla::User=HASH(0xXXXXXX)') called at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 147
'HASH(0xXXXXX)', 2) called at Bugzilla/Auth.pm line 92
    Bugzilla::Auth::login('Bugzilla::Auth=ARRAY(0xXXXXX)', 2) called at 
Bugzilla.pm line 232
    Bugzilla::login('Bugzilla', 0) called at 
/srv/org/wikimedia/bugzilla/relogin.cgi line 192


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