--- On Fri, 8/14/09, Tim Starling <tstarl...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> And please, spare us from your rant about how terrible this
> is. It's
> not PHP's fault that you don't know anything about it.

I'm sorry my questions make you angry. I don't recall ranting about PHP. 
Actually, I kind of like it. Lack of thread safety is an implementation problem 
not a problem with the language.

But, let's not dwell on your rant about my stupidity. Let's do something 
positive. You are an expert on the MW software and presumably PHP, Apache and 
MySQL. If you find it ridiculous that a newbie is driving the discussion about 
MW QA (I certainly do), pick up the ball and run with it. How would you fix the 
parser so all disabled tests in parserTests run? How would you build a test 
harness so developers can write unit tests for their bug fixes, feature 
additions and extensions? How would you integrate these unit tests into a good 
set of regression tests? How would you divide up the work so a set of 
developers can complete it in a reasonable amount of time? How do you propose 
achieving consensus on all of this?

On the other hand, maybe you would rather code than think strategically. Fine. 
Commit yourself to fixing the parser so all of the disabled tests run and also 
all or most of the pages on Wikipedia do not break and I will shut up about the 
CPRT. Commit yourself to creating a test harness that other developers can use 
to write unit tests and I will gladly stop writing emails about it. Commit 
yourself to develop the software the organizes the unit tests into a product 
regression test that developers can easily run and I will no longer bother you 
about MW QA.

My objective is a MW regression test suite that provides evidence that any 
extensions I write do not break the product. Once that objective is achieved, I 
will no longer infect your ears with dumb questions.



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