--- On Mon, 8/24/09, Chad <innocentkil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why skip trying to find the location?
> is already missing, what have we got to lose from trying
> to guess the location? The vast majority of people don't
> screw with the default structure, so it should be just
> fine.

That's a reasonable question, stating in another way the useful maxim, "if it 
ain't broke, don't fix it." The problem is I think it's "broke".

Here is my take on the pros/cons of leaving things unchanged:


* Some administrators are used to simply typing the line php <utility>.php. 
Making them type:

MW_INSTALL_PATH=/var/wiki/mediawiki php <utility>.php

would be inconvenient.

In answer to this, for the MW installations running on unix, it is pretty 
simple to alias "MW_INSTALL_PATH=/var/wiki/mediawiki php" and put the 
definition into .bash_profile (or the appropriate shell initialization script). 
This is a one time effort and so the change isn't as onerous as it might seem. 
I assume there is a similar tactic available for windows systems.


* The use of file position dependent code is a problem during development and 
much less of a problem during installation and production (as you suggest). 
Right now there are ~400 sub-directories in the extensions directory. It seems 
to me reorganization of the extensions directory would help understanding the 
relationship between individual extensions and the core. For example, having 
two subdirectories, one for cli utilities and another for hook based extensions 
would clarify the role each extension plays. However, currently there are 29 
extensions where $IP is set using the relative position of the file in the MW 
directory structure (a couple of other extensions set $IP based on 
MW_INSTALL_PATH). Reorganizing the directory structure has the potential of 
breaking them.

* CLI utilities are moved around for reasons other than a reorganization of the 
extensions directory. For example, as I understand it, DumpHTML was moved from 
maintenance/ to extensions/. dumpHTML.php sets $IP based on its relative 
position in the distribution tree. It was a happy coincidence that when it was 
moved, its relative position didn't change. However, it is unreasonable to 
think such reclassifications will always be as fortunate.

Since the cons outweigh the pros, I remain convinced that the change I 
suggested (using die()) improves the code.



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