Trevor Parscal wrote:
> I've been very busy with deployments, so I've been waiting to talk here, 
> but I think that there are allot of considerations for a skinning system 
> that I could help shed some light on when I get some time (maybe next 
> week?). The Usability Initiative's last hard deadline is coming up, and 
> then we will be taking a step back and looking at what needs to be fixed 
> from an infrastructure standpoint, and the skinning system will likely 
> come up. I'd love to help this work get a good head start and be built 
> well, so that we don't just end up with one more skinning system.
> I will try and correspond more on this and in more detail in the coming 
> days.
> - Trevor

We will be glad to have you on it, Trevor. Rewriting the skin system is
not urgent, although I would like to have a newskin compatible vector
skin before releasing 1.16. This way, we wouldn't be forced to support
an old vector design.

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