Tomasz Finc wrote:
> I think that would be a nice status update. If someone can write the code .. 
> I'll happily dig up where this report lives.
> --tomasz

The report is generated from isidore:/home/reporter/bugzilla_report.php
The script living at svn-private/wmf/reports

It probably isn't using the mediawiki database class but direct mysql calls.

The code to add would be similar to this:

$epoch = "20090430041100"; #Date of r50060, branching 1.15
foreach( array('', 'new', 'fixme') as $status) {
        if ($status == '') {
                $extra = "";
                $extra2 = "";
        } else {
                $extra = " AND cr_status = '$status'";
                $extra2 = " tagged $status";
        $n = Sql_query( "SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM code_rev WHERE
cr_repo_id=1 AND cr_timestamp >= '$epoch' $extra AND cr_path LIKE
"/trunk/phase3%") + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM code_rev WHERE cr_repo_id=1
AND cr_timestamp >= '$epoch' $extra AND cr_path="/trunk") + (SELECT
COUNT(*) FROM code_rev WHERE cr_repo_id=1 AND cr_timestamp >= '$epoch'
$extra AND cr_path="/") );

        echo "$n revisions$extra2 since $epoch\n"
        /* Get values from last week */
        echo ($n - $old[$status]) . " new revisions$extra2 since last week\n";

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