2010/5/20 Amir E. Aharoni <amir.ahar...@mail.huji.ac.il>:
> Are there any more precise measurements?
> Are there proper bugs reports about it? (I searched Bugzilla for "Vector
> slow" and didn't find anything.)
There are no bugs in Bugzilla for this, currently. I will dive into
this and find out where the slowness is coming from (could be a lot of
different things), but I'm quite busy at the moment and spending any
work time I do get on fixing bugs, so it'll take some time before I
get around to this.

If anyone else feels like analyzing what the slow parts are (I
recommend Firebug's net panel as one tool for investigating this), by
all means go ahead and post your findings here.

Roan Kattouw

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