> However, you'd have to worry that each distant wiki uses only a fair
> amount of the home wiki server's resources. E.g. set a limit of
> inclusions (that limit would have to be on the home-wiki-server-side)
> and disallow infinite loops (they're always fun).

Infinite loops could only happen if both wikis can fetch from the other
one. A simple solution would be to pass with the query who requested it
originally. If the home wiki calls a different wiki, it would blame the
one who asked for it (or maybe building a wiki + template path).

> What do you propose for linking? If a template on the home wiki links to
> [[Foobar]], should that be an interwiki link to [[homewiki:Foobar]], or
> a local link in the distant wiki? In any case, there should be a way of
> differentiating home-wiki and distant-wiki references (links, inclusions).

The link itself could be generated partly with local data and partly
with remote data, eg. a remote template containing "[[[Flag of
{{{city}}}]]" called with a city parameter.

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