I have been tasked to evaluate whether we can use the parserTests db code 
for the selenium framework. I just looked it over and have serious 
reservations. I would appreciate any comments on the following analysis.

The environment for selenium tests is different than that for 
parserTests. It is envisioned that multiple concurrent tests could run 
using the same MW code base. Consequently, each test run must:

+ Use a db that if written to will not destroy other test wiki 
+ Switch in a new images and math directory so any writes do not 
interfere with other tests.
+ Maintain the integrity of the cache.

Note that tests would *never* run on a production wiki (it may be 
possible to do so if they do no writes, but safety considerations suggest 
they should always run on a test data, not production data). In fact 
production wikis should always retain the setting $wgEnableSelenium = 
false, to ensure selenium test are disabled.

Given this background, consider the following (and feel free to comment 
on it):

parserTests temporary table code:

A fixed set of tables are specified in the code. parserTests creates 
temporary tables with the same name, but using a different static prefix. 
These tables are used for the parserTests run.

Problems using this approach for selenium tests:

 + Selenium tests on extensions may require use of extension specific 
tables, the names of which cannot be elaborated in the code.

+ Concurrent test runs of parserTests are not supported, since the 
temporary tables have fixed names and therefore concurrent writes to them 
by parallel test runs would cause interference.

+ Clean up from aborted runs requires dropping fossil tables. But, if a 
previous run tested an extension with extension-specific tables, there is 
no way for a test of some other functionality to figure out which tables 
to drop.

For these reasons, I don't think we can reuse the parserTests code. 
However, I am open to arguments to the contrary.

-- Dan Nessett

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