Roan Kattouw wrote:
> 2011/1/21 Platonides <>:
>> Do we agree in the target db schema?
>> That's the important point.
> We haven't thought about it in detail. But it would be a fairly large
> change and require changes throughout the software, as well as
> possibly elsewhere in the schema.
>> Migrating a large site like commons is 'just' an operations issue.
>> Making it readonly a bit wouldn't be a big issue, but could also for
>> instance move to an intermediate point, where uploads are stored in both
>> formats, while read only in the old one, while a script is moving
>> records. Finally, flip the switch and drop the old tables.
> Sure, it can be dealt with. It's just that it'd be an epic upgrade :)
> Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

We already have 1.17 branched, so... who dares to create a branch and
begin with it? :)

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