William Allen Simpson wrote:
> While I'm thinking about it: why doesn't universal login work from secure?
> After all, the centralauth credentials seem to exist, so the various *wiki
> sites should be able to find them automatically?
> But the link from
>   https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Special:MergeAccount
> to meta
>   http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Unified_login
> doesn't use https and/or show me logged in! :-(

You would be logged in if you used the secure meta link:

When you log into secure, you're logged in everywhere, but only on their
secure version (that's done on purpose).

Links between wikis taking you out of secure are a known problem
(although I think enwiki has some javascript to reduce it).

> Contrarily, the interwiki links from Main_Page at the bottom work fine, but
> the language links on the left side do not....
> Looking at the source, it seems somebody went through some template
> hoops to
> make the secure links.  But the <prefix><colon> system should just work!

Sure they should. It's the open bug

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