User "Aaron Schulz" changed the status of MediaWiki.r83786.

Old Status: new
New Status: ok

Full URL:
Commit summary:

Divert a river through the Augean Stables that is SpecialBlockip.php.
* Move to SpecialBlock.php, and rename class appropriately
* Complete refactor
* Use HTMLForm in block form.  This changes most of the ids and field names on 
the form, but allows proper validation, nicer formatting, clears up several 
fixmes, and is generally Better(TM).
* Spin various parts out into static functions, several of which properly 
belong in the backend (but Block.php is a worse mess still)
* Invert some of the block options so that every checkbox makes the block more 
severe (so "check to disable email" is fine, but "check to allow usertalk edit" 
(default true) is inverted to "check to disable usertalk edit" (default false).
* revert r40359 (move doMassUserBlock() to core).  No one seems to be using 
this function, which has nothing to do with the frontend UI in SpecialBlock (it 
might perhaps belong in Block.php); it is pretty bespoke for CheckUser, doesn't 
seem to have very much utility elsewhere.

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