User "Aaron Schulz" changed the status of MediaWiki.r83202.

Old Status: new
New Status: ok

Full URL:
Commit summary:

Moving IP-check to mw.util & some enhancements to and applying code conventions 
to mw.special.block.js
* This commit addresses the @TODOs that were in mediawiki.legacy.block before 
it was migrated to /resources in r83183 ("@TODO: find some better JS file for 
[is IP functions]")
* JSHint warning fixed: Using ==== when comparing to '' (safer and faster than 
* Instead of checking the initial onload state by faking a onkeyup/onchange 
event, seperate the two functions and use those
** --> This fixes issue where it falsely triggers other bindings on-load that 
are globally bound to input elements via $('input').live() or 
$('[type="text"]').delegate() because of the .keyup()/.change() call )
* Caching selectors (var $wpBlockExpiry = $(..) etc.) instead of re-creating a 
dozen jQuery objects again and getting the document element by id – on *every* 
** --> Notable speed improvement in Safari 3 and IE6 with the caching, these 
had a little bit of a lag when typing fast, mw.legacy.block.js had the lag as 
well. Fixed now.
* Adding instantToggle-argument to switch between fade or hiding/showing right 
away. When setting the initial state they're called with instant=true so that 
there's no fading, the page loads and stuff hides that shouldn't be visible. 
Any later interaction will still have the fade.
** Calling a function like foo(true) sucks, adding a local DO_INSTANT = true.
* Making behaviour the same as the legacy.block was (if isEmpty, do bring the 
element back to view ( show() / fadeIn) instead of doing nothing)

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