On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 2:30 AM, Thomas Gries <m...@tgries.de> wrote:
> Am 10.09.2011 07:20, schrieb Chad:
>>> - json in php requires a mess of code and potentially a 3rd party
>>> libraries because:
>>> -- the bulit-in json json_{en,de}code library functions may not be installed
>>> -- the bulit-in json library in some cases actually has a bug that makes
>>> it encode/decode json incorrectly
>> Well, that's why we have the FormatJson wrapper. Could use some tests
>> to make sure that the output from Services_Json and json_{en,de}code
>> are identical. I'm whipping up some trivial ones now.
>> -Chad
> This is a good idea. Filed as
> https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30841
> "Development of unit tests for FormatJson.php versus PHP built-in
> json_encode() json_decode() "

I said I was already whipping them up, and indeed I had committed
them before you e-mailed. Resolving FIXED ;-)


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