User "Hashar" changed the status of MediaWiki.r101744.

Old Status: new
New Status: deferred

User "Hashar" also posted a comment on MediaWiki.r101744.

Full URL:
Commit summary:

[JSTesting] partial rewrite of TestSwarmMWFetcher
* Before rewrite (should've been a separate commit)
-- Removing savedPath/chdir code (unused). We probably shouldn't be changing 
paths. If need to execute commands on paths outside our current working 
directory we can provide relative or absolute paths to those functions.
-- Removing getFirstRev, using minRev directly.
--  Fix bug in __construct (using || instead of && to verify required options)
--  Fix bug in getNextFollowingRevId, distinguish between invalid id and no id 
at all. Return null if there is no next id (given id is >= HEAD)
--  Fix bug in log(); Call fclose() on the handle, not the file path. Pass 
handle as first argument to fwrite(), instead of file path as second argument.

* During/after ewrite:
-- Creating separate class for the install process so we have a context for 
stuff like paths and revision ids (instead of passing around everything all the 
-- Removing getLogFile(). Instead putting the full path directly in getPaths()
-- Changing log path from /log/r123/debug.log to /logs/r123.log
-- Renaming variables and functions to make a clearer distinction between the 
local checkout and the remote repo (i.e. "getNextRev")
-- Changing order of functions. Defining functions in order of usage (and 
before they are used - where possible).

* Follows-up r101636


Right now it successfully does the checkout and installing of the wiki.
- Append settings template to LocalSettings
- Append require() for global settings to LocalSettings
- TestSwarm job submitter (needs config for testswarm instance location)
- After running preprod-mode, got error:


A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php 
after upgrading? See:
Query: DELETE FROM msg_resource
Function: MessageBlobStore::clear
Error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database


I have it roughly reviewed. Thanks for splitting the classes!

I am marking this revision as deferred since there will be surely have a lot of 
bugs still. Anyway it is good enough for our first tests.

Now need to package it up in the testswarm package. I will followup with demon 
on this.

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