Olivier Beaton <olivier.bea...@gmail.com> writes:

>> Could you elaborate on that?
> Given that I wasn't using the GPL, I was concerned that anyone
> committing against my code would do so under "all rights reserved" and
> would effectively be forking my code from the point of their revision.
> I wanted to make sure the code stayed under my BSD-2-Clause license.

I'm pretty confused by this whole situation.

IANAL, but if you add restrictions such that you require modifications
to be under the BSD-2-Clause license, then it seems like you have
re-invented dual-licensing with the GPL license without any real
benefit.  If that is the case, I am not in favor of adding
yet-another-licensing-scheme to our repository.  But I could be swayed,
given the right argument.

What is the pragmatic benefit of your proposed license?


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