Hi folks,

Here's the list of release blockers for 1.18:

...with summaries below.  Basically, we're down to two bugs.  Could we
get some front end development love here?

WikiEditor scrolls the browser and does not insert on IE8 on Windows 7

Reported November 7, but repro'd on three different machines.  This
seems like a problem we should also be fixing in deployment.

Unable to add/remove buttons from (classic) toolbar from a gadget
after MW update

It's actually not clear to me that this should be a 1.18 release
blocker.  It's a problem that seems to have occurred in some form on
1.17, and as Roan says: "It seems the old toolbar's interface for
adding buttons depends on loading
order too much. The WikiEditor toolbar's interface is a bit better in
this regard, but not much. These interfaces should be redesigned such
that the loading order either doesn't matter or must be
toolbar-first-gadget-later (so the gadget can depend on the toolbar
and force the order to be that way), and such that adding, removing
and modifying buttons at any location in the toolbar is supported."

This seems like an architectural issue that isn't going to get solved
in the time that we'd like to get 1.18 finished off, so if others
agree, the simple fix may be "put it in the release notes".  Let's
either agree on this, or agree on a plan for fixing this.


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