A resend, but starting pretty much now.

        Hey guys!

        The WMF features team has been experimenting with holding our weekly
status meetings over IRC.

        One of the ideas that came up was that we might want to try having an
"open" meeting - sort of like an office hours - that anyone in the
community can join and possibly ask questions.

        So, we're inviting you.

        This coming Tuesday, December 6th, at 11 AM PST, we'll be gathering on
irc.freenode.net in channel #wikimedia-dev.  For the first bit, we'll
probably want to hold questions and answers until after we've had a
chance to give our statuses, but after that, feel free to ask about

        And if no one else shows up, I'll at least have a whole IRC channel to


Brandon Harris, Senior Designer, Wikimedia Foundation

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