"Jeroen De Dauw" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r106404.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/106404#c27965

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r106404:

unfinished code, will follow up soonish, from other device

Jeroen De Dauw's comment:

/*str*/ $arg

is used for type hinting, so doing it with a constant and using it as meaning 
indicator would probably be confusing.

Using separate vars just makes the code messy. There is no need to do this. And 
this argument does not only apply to constructors, it applies to all functions 
where it's not obvious what some argument might be, which are pretty much all 
those that are not setFoo and have only a single argument.

Seriously, such documentation should go with the definition of the function and 
be inferred from that by your editor.

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