"Dantman" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r110825.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/110825#c30539

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r110825:

(bug 34237) Regenerate an empty user_token and save to the database when we try 
to set the user's cookies for login.
This allows the entire user_token column to be regenerated after a leak by 
running `UPDATE user SET user_token = NULL;` and letting the user_tokens be 
regenerated as users try to log back in.

Dantman's comment:

Btw, anyone who wants to should feel free to update the user_token schema to 
remove the `NOT NULL`. This code still works when you use '' instead of NULL so 
I didn't bother writing a schema update. Especially considering you can't 
remove a `NOT NULL` without also specifying the column type.

Tagged for a 1.19 revert since it's new code and we can just defer it to 1.20.

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