"Jpostlethwaite" posted a comment on Wikimedia.r1237.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/Wikimedia/1237#c30570

Commit summary for Wikimedia.r1237:

Building out tests for drush civicrm recurring payments.

Jpostlethwaite's comment:

I have not had a chance to learn how to do Drupal SimpleTest.

StandaloneGlobalCollectAdapter definitely does not depend on anything. It is a 
self-inclusive class.

It has a DrushTestCase to make sure that they it works with the Standalone 
adapter. I also had code written to quickly write up a test, Db and Network 
classes already existed from other projects.

At this time I am not plan on writing any tests with SimpleTest. This has to do 
with the issue we do not know how we are going to use CiviCRM in this next 

If we upgrade everything, I will write unit tests according to Drupal standards.

I put placeholders in the limbo module to do testing.

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