"Elizabeth M Smith" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r111472.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/111472#c31859

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r111472:

bug 34090 - Added an additional column in the main feedback table to keep a 
count of the number of activities which have happened for each piece of 
feedback - this should be equivalent to running a "count(*)" on the logging 
table for a specific piece of feedback.  Made sure the counter is incremented 
when a new log entry concerning activity is added.  Created a new api to get an 
html block of activity for use on the feedback page.  Returns a json object 
with "activity" = html block of activities, more set to true IF there are more 
entries to fetch, can have the limit changed and uses continue to get the next 
entries if more is true, send it the feedbackid and optionally a limit and/or 
continue value

Elizabeth M Smith's comment:

These should now all be fixed - took at least 6 different commits for the 
different issues

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