"Dantman" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r111964.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/111964#c32057

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r111964:

Commit a new cryptographic random generator class for use in MediaWiki.
Waiting for it to be reviewed before actually making use of it inside code and 
adding a RELEASE-NOTES entry.

Dantman's comment:

I've cloned our core git repo and put MWCryptRand into a branch and pushed it 
to GitHub while it's being worked on. When it's done I can make it a svn commit 
or commit it to our git repo when we start production use of it. (I actually 
already converted a test/mediawiki/core clone into an incompatible 
mediawiki/core clone so any changes in the underlying repo won't be a problem)

I've already added stream_set_read_buffer and the 4k -> 8k change.


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