"Dantman" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r114240.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/114240#c32367

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r114240:

redesign for toggle buttons

see http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/File:Mobile_article_expand.png

Dantman's comment:

Ooohh... now ''that'' looks like a mobile app.

I think you should use an :active to create a highlight bg that shows up when 
the user touches the collapse. A light bluish one. Make sure that the area 
covered fills the screen horizontally and includes the top and bottom padding 
of the block. Something like that should give it a feel very much like what the 
user should be used to with the rest of mobile device's interface.

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