"Jeroen De Dauw" posted a comment on MediaWiki.r114180.
URL: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:Code/MediaWiki/114180#c32382

Commit summary for MediaWiki.r114180:

make more generic: do not assume we want to add html to the output. Also get 
rid of action=purge from key args

Jeroen De Dauw's comment:

Indeed, this is to bad. In my original version you could use these as you would 
normally. That approach lacked the capability the have multiple blocks of 
cached HTML (or other values for that matter) though. So it does not work for 
pages that have non-cacheabale stuff through them. But it was definitely nicer 
for the simplest use case where you simply want to cache the entire output of a 
page (which possibly some non-cached stuff before and after).

What I did after that approach was trying to extend OutputPage, to have a 
addCachedHTML method, which would be ideal. But I did not find a way to make 
this work. The problem is that you have an instance of OutputPage and want to 
change it into an instance of CachedOutputPage or whatever. Now since we got 
comments and checks everywhere to make sure that this object derives from 
OutputPage, CachedOutputPage better does this. So bye bye decorator pattern. If 
you know a way to do this without changing all the checks to some interface or 
whatever, then please let me know, because I think it would be nicer then what 
I ended up with now. This is what I ended up with after trying to get it to 
find a way to make it work (and then gave up on it): 

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