Le 27/03/12 11:57, Niklas Laxström a écrit :
> I have been collecting list of issues at
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Git/Conversion#Open_issues_after_migration
> I'd like start discussion how to solve these issues and in what time frame.

I would really prefer that we add issues in the Bugzilla tracker. We
already have enough mess to keep track of and a wiki has already proven
how bad it is for issues tracking.

I am answering below but will not follow up. We should have bug opened
for all issues potentially copy pasting from this mail and my answer.

> == Code review process ==
> I would very much like to have the full patch diffs back in emails so
> that I can quickly scan for any i18n issues. Also Gerrit is just slow
> enough that I must either waste time waiting for it to load the
> interface, or do a context switch by reading next commit. Not to
> mention the need to open the diffs for each file in tab.

There are several issues in that paragraph.

Full diffs in emails:

 I dislikes having full diffs in emails and they are lacking colors
making them basically useless to me.  That also makes mail processing
slower and makes my inbox very huge.  If we ever do that, please please
make it a per user option.

Gerrit slowness:

 I do not have that much an issues. Possible root causes could be:
  - you have a slow computer
  - your network connection is bad
  - Gerrit client interface is badly programmed
  - Gerrit server is overloaded
Or that might just be because delay between click is not good enough for
you.  Maybe we could investigate on the server side or add a layer of
caching in front of Gerrit.
Anyway, something worth a bug so we could investigate it.

scan for i18n:

Can this be somehow scripted / made more automatic? We should probably
eastablish a list of recurrent issues then have a script to
automatically analyse files to find possible culprit. Two possibles
examples comes to mind:
  - messages being added in MessagesEn.php and missing from
Messages.inc. 100% sure this can be scripted
  - wfMessage() being used without an explicit formatting call (->parse,
->parseAsBlock(), ->text()). There is again 100% possibility to script
that using PHP tokenizer.

diff files in each tab:

I am a huge fan of this feature, I find it way easier to handle than a
large and long page. I have already written about it in wikitech-l some
weeks ago.  One possible workaround would be to add a link to the Gitweb
full diff in Gerrit GUI.

This should probably be reported upstream.

> == Emails ==
> Related to above, I want to scan all (submitted?) changes for the
> issues. Currently there is no easy way to subscribe to changes of all
> repositories.

Indeed, you have to manually subscribe to get email notifications for
each projects. Once subscribed you will always receive everything with
no easy way to stop the mail spam even if you have no interest in a
specific change.
As I understand it, you are looking for something like the mailing list
that received all mediawiki svn commits.
We will have to look at Gerrit to have some mailing list to get notified
of any patchset submitted to Core and Extension.

Need investigation and a report upstream.

> In theory I could do the same inside Gerrit, would it provide a easily
> navigatable list which records what I have looked at.

One way is to use the Gerrit search box and look for 'mediawiki/' that
will give you all changes ever submitted to mediawiki/* projects.

> == Unicode issue in Gerrit ==
> This must be fixed (dataloss). See
> https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#change,3505 for example

See: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/35455

Upstream recommendation is to use the embed H2 database or a real
database such as postgre.

> == Local changes ==
> How to handle permanent local changes? There have already been suggestions:
> * use git stash (not fun to do for every push)
> * use git review --no-rebase (no idea if this is a good idea)
> * commit them to local development branch (but then how to rebase
> changes-to-commit to master before pushing?)

I have talked about it with Niklas and have no idea how that could be
fixed. Maybe by working in a local branch and then have the current
commit to be merged to a clean master before submission.  That would
require some scripting.

Niklas, I guess you want to send a new mail to wikitech-l so it receives
more attention.

> == How to FIXME ==
> We need a way to identify *merged* commits that need fixing. Those
> commits should be our collective burden to fix. It must not rely on
> the reporter of the issue fixing the issue him/herself or being
> persistent enough to get someone to fix it.
> I was suggested to use bugzilla, but it's a bit tedious to use and
> doesn't as-is have the high visibility like FIXMES used to have.

We should have less fixme nowadays since we have adopted a pre merge
review, it still happens from time to time though. Our bug report is

Thanks Niklas for your long feedback :-)

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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