Hi Platonides,

On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 03:45:14PM +0200, Platonides wrote:
> On 30/06/12 14:24, Christian Aistleitner wrote:
> > [ Mocking the database ]
> > 
> > [...]
> > One would have to abstract database access above the SQL
> > layer (separate methods for select, insert, ...) [...]
> You still need to implement some complex SQL logic.

One might think so, yes.
But as I said, one would mock /above/ the SQL layer.
For typical database operations, SQL would not even get generated in
the first place!

Consider for example code containing
  $db->insert( $param1, $param2, ... );

The mock db's insert function would compare $param1, $param2,
... against the invocations the test setup injected. If there is no
match, the test fails. If there is a match, the mock returns the
corresponding return value right away.
No generating SQL.
No call to $db->tableName.
No call to $db->makeList.
No call to $db->query.
No nothing. \o/

But maybe you hinted at DatabaseBase::query?
DatabaseBase::query should not be used directly, and it's hardly
is. We can go for straight for parameter comparison there as well. No
need to parse the SQL.

Unit testing is about decoupling and testing things in isolation. With
DatabaseBase and the corresponding factories, MediaWiki has a layer
that naturally decouples business logic from direct database access.

Use the decoupling, Luke!


P.S.: As an example for decoupling and mocking in MW, consider
tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupTextPassTest.php:testPrefetchPlain. This
test is about dumping a wiki's database using prefetch.

The idea behind prefetch is to use an old dump and use texts from this
old dump instead of asking the database for every single text of the
new dump.

To test dumping using prefetch /without/ mocking, one would have to
setup an XML for the "old" dump. This old dump's XML would get read,
parsed, interpreted, ... upon each single test invocation. Tedious and
time consuming. Upon each update of the XML format, we'd also have to
update also the XML representation of the "old" XML dump. Yikes! [1]
Besides, it duplicates efforts, as reading dumps, interpreting them is
a separate issue and dealt with in isolation already in

So the handling of the old dump reading, ... has been mocked out. All
that's necessary for this is lines 143--153 and line 160 of

$prefetchMock is the mock for the prefetch (i.e.: old
dump). $prefetchMap models the expected parameters and return values
of the mocked method. So for example invoking
  $prefetchMock->prefetch( $this->pageId1, $this->revId1_1 )

[1] Yes, we had that situation recently, when the parentid tag got
introduced [2]. The XML dumps of
tests/phpunit/maintenance/backupPrefetchTest.php were updated. So the
tests assert that both dumping, and prefetch works with parentid. But
we did not have to touch the mock due to this decoupling.

[2] See commit d04b8ceea67660485245beaa4aca1625cf2170aa

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
                           Companies' registry: 360296y in Linz
Christian Aistleitner
Gruendbergstrasze 65a        Email:  christ...@quelltextlich.at
4040 Linz, Austria           Phone:          +43 732 / 26 95 63
                             Fax:            +43 732 / 26 95 63
                             Homepage: http://quelltextlich.at/

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