On 17/07/12 00:22, Adam Wight wrote:
> Hello comrades,
> I've run into a challenge too interesting to keep to myself ;)  My
> immediate goal is to prototype an "offline" wikipedia, similar to Kiwix,
> which allows the end-user to make edits and synchronize them back to a
> central repository like enwiki.
> The catch is, how to insert these changes without edit conflicts? With
> linear revision numbering, I can't imagine a natural representation of
> the data, only some kind of ad-hoc sandbox solution.
> Extending the article revision numbering to represent a branching
> history would be the natural way to handle optimistic replication.
> Non-linear revisioning might also facilitate simpler models for page
> protection, and would allow the formation of multiple, independent
> consensuses.
> -Adam Wight

Actually, the revision table allows for non-linear development (it
stores from which version you edited the article). You could even make
to "win" a version different than the one with the latest timestamp (by
changing page_rev) one.
You will need to change the way of viewing history, however, and add a
system to keep track of "heads" and "merges".
There may be some assumtions accross the codebase about the latest
revision being the active one, too.

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