Ori Livneh wrote:
> On Monday, August 20, 2012 at 12:30 AM, Ori Livneh wrote:
>> On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
>>> One obvious target for converting to Lua would be the Cite template.
>>> It would be really great to take an article with a long parse time
>>> (e.g. the "Barack Obama" or "The Beatles"), import it to test2, and
>>> try to get the parse time down to something reasonable simply by
>>> converting the Cite+other key templates to Lua.
>> Template:Cite is terrifyingly complex. What are some other key templates?
>> There must be others like me who want the fame and fortune of being an early
>> adopter, without all that the hard work :)
> To answer my own question:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_reports/Templates_transcluded
> _on_the_most_pages

Templates that are transcluded a lot usually are not the most complex or the
most interesting.

As I understand it, brace substitution and recursion depth were/are the big
performance killers with ParserFunctions.

I could swear that you used to be able to profile Parser::BraceSubstitution
or something similar directly with a ?forceprofile=true or ?forcetrace=true
URL parameter, but it doesn't seem to be working now. (?forceprofile=true
still outputs an HTML comment with some profiling information;
?forcetrace=true seems to do nothing.)

I believe Tim has created or plans to create better profiling tools for
templates. I have no idea what the status of that is.

If you're looking for other nerdy/fun templates to convert, the chess
templates come to mind.


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