
actually it would be for a WLM-project we want do extend. This is a bit higher priorized, because it will not be such a big deal. In the meantime we could use the old stuff authentication or TUSC in our project.

While doing that – why not working on such a proposal. I could do some tests and then develop a concept to decide wheather to implement it or not.

@Alex: Sorry somebody forgot to reply to all.

On 08/12/12 01:11, Sébastien Santoro wrote:
Yes, we need that. Toys like TUSC should be replaced by scalable and
correct stuff at middle term. But this is not currently one of the top
priority, so we also need people to implement it, maintain it. This is
not only a development issue (I wouldn't be surprise if the current
OAuth providers extensions would be virtually mature) but a strong
support and integration work afterwards.

You need to prepare something like an OAuth2 provider infrastructure
to ask the user's Wikimedia home project to do authentication and
submit your tool the appropriated result.

Please note somewhere your proposal, and if possible, what and who you
need to make it real.

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 12:33 AM, Marco Fleckinger
<marco.fleckin...@wikipedia.at>  wrote:
No I'm asking of using Wikimedia's CentralAuth using in our tools.

On 08/12/12 00:23, K. Peachey wrote:

Are you referring to using Wikimedia CentralAuth accounts to auth
against other provider wiki sites?

Or using your own CentralAuth setup for your site(s)?

On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 9:07 AM, Marco Fleckinger
<marco.fleckin...@wikipedia.at>   wrote:


I know it is technically possible to use the SUL account outside of
Wikimedia-Projects. We heard, that it is not very much liked to use this
possibility. Maybe somebody of you could tell us if that is so and maybe



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