Hi Daniel,

sorry for chiming in late. But better a late response than none ;-)

On Tue, Dec 04, 2012 at 10:54:08AM +0100, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
> [ LoadBalancer, DBAccessBase, and ORMTable integration help when
>   developing components that access another wiki's database. ]
> But. How do I test these?

In the further parts of your email, you exposed some of the structural
problems we face when trying to setup the required databases, ... at

However, we actually do not need those databases and tables for
testing. For testing, it would be sufficient to have mock database
objects [1] that pretend that there are underlying databases, tables,
Those mocks would return the very values that our database objects
would return if those databases, tables, etc existed.

Thereby, we could skip the hassles of setting up a second database or
additional tables etc. Yippie! We'd just have to initialize the mock.

Best regards,

[1] I am well aware of sounding like a broken record, as I already
suggested mocking the database some time ago when discussing
performance issues for tests
But this reference is just to show that going down the database
mocking road would solve both problems at once.

---- quelltextlich e.U. ---- \\ ---- Christian Aistleitner ----
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