On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Mark A. Hershberger <m...@everybody.org>wrote:

> The more I look at ContentHandler, the more it seems like a major new
> feature for MW.
> Are there any examples of this in use on Labs?

It's used in the Wikibase extensions for Wikidata.  We have test wikis on
labs but not sure really what you mean or want?

> Is there more information on how to use and extend it for things like
> WorkingWiki?
> There is some talk of how the Gadgets extension may be changed by the
> use of ContentHandler.  Has any work been done on that yet?  Do gadget
> authors on-wiki need to know about these changes?

> I like what I'm seeing in ContentHandler, but I'm a little afraid that
> this will be like the introduction of ResourceLoader -- there is a lot
> of promise here and new capability, but it sounds very disruptive to
> current Gadget users (to give one example).

ContentHandler is fully backwards compatibility so not meant to be
disruptive, but has potential to make things easier and better in the
future for new features.  There are a bunch of functions throughout the
code that are deprecated and new extensions should use the new functions,
of course.

The feature is fully enabled with a configuration variable
$wgContentHandlerUseDB to support multiple content formats in the same
namespace.  (e.g. user/site Javascript and CSS pages without the .js or
.css suffix, along with wikitext pages in the MediaWiki namespace)

The configuration setting is set to have this switched off currently for
all the wikis, except for wikidata, since it was such a major, new feature.
 Hopefully it's proved stable enough now and we can think about turning it
on in more places soon.

Right now, Wikipedia uses ugly hacks (shocked!) like
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Attached_KML.  Hopefully with
Wikidata and/or elsewhere we can support such content in a nicer way.


> How can we begin to prepare third party users of MW for these changes now?
> --
> http://hexmode.com/
> Language will always shift from day to day. It is the wind blowing
>     through our mouths. -- http://hexm.de/np
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