
After much delay, Gerrit 2.6 will be coming to our servers. This release
brings a *lot* of really cool features and fixes, but I'd like to outline a
couple of the major ones:

* A stable, documented RESTful api
* Plugin support:
** We'll be replacing Gitweb with Gitblit once the initial dust of the
upgrade settles
** We've got a plugin to let us delete projects
** We're working on plugins for renaming projects, as well as providing
some Bugzilla integration
* IE9 & IE10 are now supported
* The code formatter got some updates, which should solve some of
the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds errors you saw in some diffs.
* Ability to leave comments on a whole file (instead of just a line in a
* Search suggestions
* More unicorns!

We're planning to do this on 1:00-2:00UTC on February 12th (that's
17:00-18:00 PST on February 11th) -- that's one week from today.


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