I believe Mariya is talking about the internal APIs available to extensions,
(eg: User, Title, EditPage, so forth), not the public API.

Yay, acronyms!


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Yuri Astrakhan <yuriastrak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mariya,
> Could you be more specific? What types of changes caused extensions to
> break? I might be mistaken but the vast majority of the API framework
> classes have been established over 5 years ago, with very few breaking
> changes since. Most changes were related to adding new functionality (new
> actions, new query submodules, new parameters), but that shouldn't have
> significantly affected extension development.
> I do plan to introduce a few breaking changes (majority of the extensions
> should not be affected) in 1.21, such as the introduction of versioning,
> further modularization to allow pageset reuse, etc.
> See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/API_Future
> Please note that in a rare case some features might be purposefully removed
> due to the security or scalability issues.
> --Yuri
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:58 AM, Mariya Nedelcheva Miteva <
> mariya.mit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been talking to many third-party yas part of my WMF internship in
>> the last few weeks and one the main concerns they express is the lack of
>> stability in the PHP classes MediaWiki exposes from version to version. The
>> frequent changes in what I would call the PHP-API makes extentions
>> developement and maintenance much more difficult with compatibility from
>> version to version becoming a problem. Solving the problem would probably
>> result in the development of more extensions, easier maintenance, less
>> hacks to core and more users upgrading to the latest MediaWiki version. I
>> am sure WMF developers are facing similar issues especially with projects
>> like WikiData going on.
>> My question is: With the given technical heritage that MediaWiki carries,
>> is it possible to have a (relatively) stable set of PHP classes defined,
>> with a pledge not to change them in the next X releases or at least with
>> some longer deprecation time? What would maintaining such a PHP-API entail?
>> How difficult is it given the vast number of dependancies in MediaWiki
>> code? Does it require restructuring a lot of the current core code? Do you
>> think it should be a definite goal for WMF?
>> Thank you.
>> Mariya
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