On 02/11/2013 08:58 PM, Terry Chay wrote:
> Everyone,
> I'm delighted to announce that Ed Sanders has joined the VisualEditor[0] team 
> as a software engineer from today. He will be focussed on the data structures 
> and APIs inside the VisualEditor, and in particular its "data model" 
> component. Ed will be working remotely from the UK.
> Ed has worked as a Web front-end software engineer for several years, most 
> recently working for TripAdvisor. He received his MA in Computer Science from 
> Clare College at the University of Cambridge.
> Ed  is a long-term contributor to Commons and the English Wikipedia, where he 
> has been a sysop since 2004.[1] In his spare time, Ed enjoys photography, 
> watching his local football team (real football, not handegg), Arsenal,[2] 
> and sometimes doing both at the same time.
> He'll be in the SF office for the next few weeks so be sure to stop by and 
> say hi!
> Please join me in welcoming Ed!
> terry
> [0] - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor
> [1] - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Ed_g2s
> [2] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenal

Welcome, Ed!  Wow, sysop for the past eleven years!  You have a lot of
engineering expertise and community experience, and I am very grateful
that WMF is getting the benefit of that.  Thanks for joining us.

Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation

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