On 02/22/2013 08:32 PM, Brian Wolff wrote:

> What ive always wondered is what happens if your oid provider goes
> under/otherwise dissapears. I imagine that means you lose your user account
> all across the internet, which is a scary thought

There is an additional part of OpenID called delegation. It let's you
choose which provider you use, but you control your URL. When I cared, I
used interi.org as my login, and if my provider ever went away I could
sign up with a new one and set it as my delegated provider. If I recall,
it is just a couple of meta elements.

In other threads: I've used OpenID for years, but I couldn't imagine why
the wikae would be using it; I don't use bots or tools that require user
accounts. I still don't get it, but it isn't that important for me; if
this is helpful to those folks, good luck. ^_^


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