On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Tyler Romeo <tylerro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't see how the copyright of MediaWiki's code is bike-shedding at all.
> As a volunteer, I'd like to be damn sure MW is actually an open source
> project.
> There's a reason copyright licenses exist, and it's to provide freedom for
> developers and users. If MW were completely licensed under the WTFPL,
> others could copy MW, change it, and then make it proprietary, whereas with
> the GPL there is a restriction on that. When I contribute my code to this
> project, I am fully aware and happy with the fact that it will *never* be
> used in a closed source product.
> Just because some people don't care enough about how laws exist in this
> world and we have to operate under them doesn't mean everybody else should
> be screwed over. So if we could actually get back on topic rather than
> bitching and complaining about doing things some of us don't necessarily
> enjoy.

There's a definite difference between caring about how the code is licensed
and debating whether or not headers should be included in minified versions
or not. I care how our code is licensed (and headers are great for doing this),
but wasting 60+ e-mails over where to include these licenses just to satisfy
an overzealous tool...that's bikeshedding.


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