Matthew Flaschen <> wrote:

> [...]

>> Note that this is a shitty bash script (to put it mildly) - but that seems
>> to be all I can write at 5:30 AM :) I'll probably rewrite it to be a proper
>> python one soon. That should also allow me to use the GitHub API to also
>> mirror the GitHub Pull Request Title / Description to Gerrit.

> Also, force-removing the rebase-apply directory is worrisome.  I think
> most or all of the rebase commands have --abort options.  If a rebase is
> in progress, can you exit and prompt the user to finish or abort, rather
> than blowing it apply?

The nice thing about Git is that you can create new
workspaces at little cost -- "git clone --reference
$TEMPDIR" if $LOCALREPO is up-to-date) will give you a clean
checkout in $TEMPDIR, where you can then easily run all
kinds of rebases, squashes and whatnot, and when you either
have pushed the resulting commit to Gerrit or aborted be-
cause you ran into some problems, you can just remove the
whole directory.  No need to worry about the state of your
working copy or how you might mess up your branches, stashes
& Co.


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