On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 3:55 PM, Brion Vibber <bvib...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> MediaWiki core: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/53793
> ConfirmEdit ext: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/53794
> So far I've tested it with the default 'math captcha' mode, with this test
> rig: https://github.com/brion/mw-createaccount-test

This is great to see.

Using your test rig or Special:APISandbox, the API return warns about
"Unrecognized parameters: 'wpCaptchaId', 'wpCaptchaWord" when I get
the captcha wrong.

It seems if the user gets the captcha wrong, there's no explicit
indication like captcha-createaccount-fail ('Incorrect or missing
confirmation code.'). Instead the API reports a generic Failure
result, and the UI presents a new captcha.

ConfirmEdit has a getMessage() to provide action-specific text like
fancycaptcha-createaccount. Perhaps the API should pass that back as
well. Otherwise the UI has to know the details of the captcha in use
so it can get a message for it.

The current CreateAccount form submission to Special:UserLogin reports
many form errors like username exists, password wrong, etc. before it
runs the AbortNewAccount hook where ConfirmEdit checks the captcha.
But APICreateAccount runs the APICreateAccountBeforeCreate hook early,
before it dummies up a login form and calls the same validation. So
users will go through the frustration of getting the captcha right
before being told their username isn't available or their password
isn't long enough.

There's also the weirdness that ApiCreateAccount winds up checking the
CAPTCHA twice. AIUI, here's the program flow:

    Runs APICreateAccountBeforeCreate hook (captcha may abort)
    Creates a login forms and call $loginForm->addNewaccountInternal();
        Does a bunch of form validation
        Runs AbortNewAccount hook (captcha may abort, also
TitleBlacklist, AntiSpoof, etc. may abort)

If  ApiCreateAccount() could tell there was a captcha failure within
addNewaccountInternal and could ask the captcha to addCaptchaAPI() to
the result, then we wouldn't need the new APICreateAccountBeforeCreate

It would be nice if captcha was always checked on its own hook instead
of sharing a hook with other extensions. That would let a future
validation API run the username past TitleBlacklist and AntiSpoof
without getting shot down by the captcha.

=S Page  software engineer on E3

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